Joe Howard


Joe Howard, a proud native of Springfield, laid a strong foundation for his career with a business degree from the University of Missouri. Leveraging the knowledge and skills acquired during his studies, he secured positions at two Fortune 500 companies, where he gained invaluable experience in the corporate world.

At the young age of 27, demonstrating remarkable entrepreneurial spirit, Joe took the bold step of founding his own business. His journey as an entrepreneur has been marked by a series of successes; since 1993, he has established and operated four thriving businesses. Each of these ventures reached a level of success that attracted buyers, and ultimately, all were sold through the expert brokerage services of the Kingsley Group.

Joe's dedication to maintaining a high standard in the business sector is reflected in his active engagement with prominent professional networks. His involvement allows him to keep a finger on the pulse of the latest industry trends and foster connections with other experts in the field, ensuring he brings a wealth of current knowledge and a rich network of contacts to his role.

Building on a foundation of practical experience and a deep understanding of the business landscape, Joe has cultivated a reputation for expertise and proficiency in business brokerage. His background enables him to navigate the complexities of real estate transactions with skill and competence, offering a seamless experience to his clients.


  • Certified Business Intermediary (CBI)

  • Licensed by Missouri Real Estate Commission

Contact Joe—



1350 E Kingsley St Ste C Springfield, MO 65804

Kingsley Group Requirements

All Kingsley advisors meet state and federal licensing regulations. We are members of professional business associations such as the International Business Broker Association (IBBA) and M&A Source. Kingsley Group’s advisors offer the highest level of expertise for the needs of our clients.